Friday, November 19, 2010

Oh Boy!


Old Navy

After envying people who could actually wear Old Navy clothing, I am finally one of them. I was almost 500 lbs two years ago wearing a size 40 plus in women's jeans! Now I am a size 16-18 and I shop Old Navy all the time. So when I found the link to this posting about the $50 0ff from $100 I HAD to check it out. I would be thrilled to win one of these coupons. As a Mom of three, Grandmother, and wife, I have seldom remembered to take care fo myself. I have made it my duty to be there for my family first and not worry about myself. I had 12 surgeries in the last 2 years and I can't stay down, for example, I had major spine surgery,  resulting in 4 rods being placed in my spine, on 12/31/09 and I was in the hospital until 1/6/10. Well, when I got home, I was out shopping for bargains for my family the next, yes NEXT day.

I appreciate people who take the time to give to other people the way this wonderful lady has. Check out the link -